Developing Branded Hashtags and Phrases to Amplify Your Omnichannel Messages

Erica Davis
4 min readNov 16, 2023


Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

Discover how to seed catchy slogans and identifiers that enhance your content’s discoverability and propagation online. Boost engagement by giving conversations a consistent theme across channels.

In today’s omnichannel world, consumers interact with brands across a wide variety of touchpoints — from social media to in-store displays to email newsletters. As a marketer, how can you ensure your messages resonate consistently across this complex landscape? One powerful tactic is developing memorable branded hashtags and phrases that enhance the discoverability and propagation of your content online.

Catchy slogans and identifiers give conversations a consistent theme that pulls audiences together. When thoughtfully crafted and promoted, they can boost engagement by bringing dispersed fans into a cohesive discussion centered around your brand. In this article, we’ll explore how seeding strategic hashtags and sayings empowers effective communication through multiple retail channels.

Why Consistent Branding Matters

Consumers expect a seamless brand experience whether they’re scrolling Instagram, browsing your website, or making an in-store purchase. Disjointed messaging leaves them confused about what your company stands for. It also makes it harder for different departments like social, PR, design, retail, and advertising to work in sync to reach shared goals.

Consistency strengthens recognition of your products, values, and personality. According to a study by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, brands with consistent assets across touchpoints saw sales revenue increase by 23% compared to competitors with less cohesion. The more audiences encounter your branded slogans reiterating core ideas, the more familiar and trusted you become over time. This enhances purchase consideration and encourages communities to form around your brand.

According to a study by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, brands with consistent assets across touchpoints saw sales revenue increase by 23% compared to competitors with less cohesion.

A McKinsey study found that 20–30% of a company’s valuation arises from its brand strength and reputation. Giving conversations online a signature theme showcases pride in your brand and motivates ongoing loyalty. It’s also easier for new customers to understand your positioning at a glance.

How Branded Hashtags Simplify Discovery

Hashtags on social platforms provide a simple categorization system, surface related posts, and power search capabilities. When discussions tangentially involve your product or mission, your slogan supplies instant context for outsiders to grasp the topic. It also creates a feed exclusively dedicated to your brand once clicked.

According to Sprout Social, branded hashtag campaigns see 7–10x more engagement than typical social content. For example, Outdoor Voices uses #DoingThings to represent its ethos of playful adventure. Followers know any post with that hashtag will relate to the brand’s lifestyle inspiration. Marketers can generate heat maps and analytics on topics gaining traction to refine outreach.

Branded hashtags transform ordinary user-generated content into valuable user marketing. Fans spreading the word on their own experiences boosts organic reach far beyond what paid promotion alone could achieve. Strategic listening also yields insights into customer sentiment, questions, and desires. A Sprout Social study found user-generated posts drive 4x more engagement than brand share alone.

A McKinsey study found that 20–30% of a company’s valuation arises from its brand strength and reputation.

Turning Slogans Into Cultural Touchpoints

The most impactful identifiers move beyond hashtags to embed themselves in broader conversations. Major brands like Nike, Apple, and REI achieved this by rallying supporters around slogans accentuating their attributes through inspiring ads and initiatives.

For example, Nike’s iconic “Just Do It” campaign launched in 1988 and is still going strong today through uplifting athlete stories and limited products. The line became engrained in popular culture as a rallying cry for perseverance in any endeavor. Whenever someone quotes it on social media in an anecdote, it doubles as free publicity for the giant sports company.

The key is developing messaging with versatility to fittingly represent your products while also resonating independently as a mentality. Tap into prevailing trends and passions to make your phrase catch on organically like a viral meme. Consider outdoor activities, self-improvement, community, and entertainment as proven streams to seed engaged discussions.

While slogans obviously don’t guarantee overnight cultural domination, consciously promoting yours establishes long-term familiarity that amplifies other efforts. With patience and consistency across time, your brand’s identifiers can become embedded intellectual property enhancing mindshare. A study by AdWeek found consistent branded hashtag usage over 2+ years increased purchase intent by 33% among consumers.



Erica Davis

Let's explore the future together through the power of words. I look forward to working with you to make technology's impact on our world truly resonate!